Review of Macadam

Macadam (1946)
Who gets the money?
12 February 2018
Françoise Rosay (Rose) runs a seedy hotel. She is tall, large and takes no nonsense. She has a pretty sound moral compass and a healthy philosophy when it comes to ripping people off. She absolutely loves it and makes sure it works for her. No goody-two shoes lifestyle for her. Unlike her dominated daughter Andrée Clément (Simone) who helps run the hotel by doing the menial jobs and wants her mum to be good and do the correct thing. Not her style, I'm afraid. Into this hotel enters old acquaintance Paul Meurisse (Victor) who is on the run on his way to Chile with a stash of cash. He goes out and leaves the money in the care of Rosay. Bad move.

This film has comic moments, funny dialogue, dramatic scenes and has you rooting for Rosay. Will she get away with her scams? The cast are good although Meurisse doesn't cut it as a killer to be feared. He's more of a weasel to be bumped off.

The film has a peculiar moral in that it seems ok to bump people off if the police feel it is justified. No questions asked. I'm not saying it's wrong - it's a technique they use themselves today when it comes to terrorist activities. None of this political correctness about catching the perpetrators alive. Shoot them dead. Blam. Then walk away. Good for them.
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