So Glad it is Back!
18 February 2018
I grew up on the original series and was so very excited to see that Netflix was giving this "continuation" series a chance - and I am happy to report that it is perfectly popcorn and binge worthy.

As expected, the original movies are pretty much stinkers, but the new (and some returning) cast and writers definitely deliver the deliciously cheesy and silly jokes and commentary with both respect for the original series canon and a fresh intellect.

The new set of Moon 13 is a nice balance of modern and purposefully cheap looking, the jokes are aimed at adults but still ok to share with your older kids, and the first Netflix season has its own story arc that ties everything together entertainly (and without feeling like a forced soap-opera plot). The new series still includes a number of ridiculously catchy original songs which are delivered with a wink and smart grin - you will find yourself singing them to yourself after the movies end.

Once thing that has always been terrific about MST3K is that if one joke doesn't land for you, another one is already being launched. Same goes for the movie selections - family films, old B-movies, fantasy, space, monsters, foreign films, etc. There is plenty from which to choose and enjoy.
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