Z-grade exploitation horror
21 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
THE REVENGE OF DR. X is a very obscure and low grade US/Japanese exploitation horror flick about a mad scientist who creates in his laboratory a man-size flesh-devouring plant very much like a Venus Flytrap. The main character is American but he heads off to Japan early on and gets a Japanese assistant and supporting cast. This is a Z-grade trash classic with poor picture quality that's only suitable to be laughed at. The killer plant is an obvious man in a suit and looks ansolutely hilrious - a masterpiece of design. The script was written by an uncredited Ed Wood by all accounts, but the whole thing is confused by credits stolen from THE MAD DOCTOR OF BLOOD ISLAND. There's a random scene of gratuitous nudity and lots of cheese. The British B-flick THE MUTATIONS is a much more fun version of this story.
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