Wunderland (2018)
Enjoyed this Movie
26 February 2018
When one watches this movie you need to keep in mind that not all war movies are the same and the focus of the movie depends on who made the movie, how it was made and who is watching it? Make sense...of course not but in a nutshell keep an open mind. Is it about war? Yes some of it is. It is about bonding and camaraderie? Yes of course, it highlights how officer have to make tough decisions in very stressful and violent situations. I enjoyed the movie and being ex military in the 3rd Infantry Division you do tend to pick things out BUT I could do that in just about any military movie I have seen especially from WWII to date.

Without being too specific I spotted armor and infantry tactical strategies which confused me a bit but other than that I did enjoy this movie. War is ugly and this movie does not miss that point.

Tom Berenger was excellent and it was nice to see him back in a military role. This movie is for sure worth the rental!
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