Final Space (2018–2021)
Looks like we're all in for a space treat
27 February 2018
Only one episode in (just finished the series premiere), and already I'm a fan. Show seems to have great potential!

It's about Gary, a prisoner on some sort of free-range, lonely space jail with little to no privileges or commodities. He finds a cute green blob that seems anime-inspired, and appears to be quite easily underestimated based on appearance alone. First episode sets the tone that Gary and his new jellybean-pal is set for various adventures, accompanied by a smart chick Gary has an ill-fated crush on, a cat-dude who seems kinda like Boba Fett, and who knows who else, this is just the start!

It's like they crossed various modern adult animated shows with space movies like "Moon" and "Inception." It has enough originality to stand on its own, so you shouldn't feel like it's a rehash of anything, and contains some excellent references to tv/movie culture.

Gary himself can be a little annoying. He talks too much, has some corny lines, and occasionally spouts desperate-for-attention jokes that only middle-school aged children and younger must laugh at, but for the most part he's funny, likable, and pleasantly obnoxious. He has a tenancy to over-react, and his screams are as shrill and hilarious as Steve's from American Dad, makes for some good moments.

The animation appears simple at first, but judging from a few scenes in the first episode, I'd say we're in for a gorgeous and aesthetically pleasing ride for the eyes.

There are other pros/cons, but it may be too early to give too much praise or nit-pick, so an edit to this review will come after the whole season has aired.

I'm sure the remainder of the show will quickly gain a cult following, and we may have a new late-night animated fun fest for adults to join alongside "Rick and Morty," "Bob's Burgers," and others (although at the moment isn't nearly at those other show's levels, but we shall see!).

So grab a cookie and give it a try, cuz it's fun fun fun in the sun sun sun!

EDIT: It still holds up after a few seasons. It's nothing ground-breaking, but it sure if entertaining. It knows how, and when, to be funny, and when (and how), to be serious. It does a decent job balancing both emotions. Animation is still pretty awesome, and I'm glad certain characters weren't written off for good (or were they?). Still a solid show, roller-coaster of emotions, a deep show despite the immature humor that is rampant through-out. May not be for everyone, but certainly is worth a try for everyone.

And c'mon, it's got Keith David!! Dude's been a stud since being in John Carpenter's "The Thing," totally deserves some recognition for his work in this show.
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