Poirot: The Adventure of Johnnie Waverly (1989)
Season 1, Episode 3
Early Poirot mystery has more humor than intrigue
28 February 2018
Two things are noticeable especially in this early episode of the Hercule Poirot series. Both are about attitudes. Chief Inspector Japp is flippant and often short with Poirot. Japp knows who Poirot is and that he is a very good detective. But he hasn't yet reached the point of wonder and respect for Poirot's super sleuthing abilities. The second attitude is with Poirot. While he is always kind to servants, even vagrants, in his early episodes he seems overly sweet toward them. It's most obvious in this film, "The Adventure of Johnnie Waverly."

Kidnapping is the subject of this Agatha Christie tale. By the title, one begins to suspect that even from the first. And, whether it was the series producers, or Christie herself, or both, this story seems simple and obvious compared to the usual intrigue. Too many questions come to mind in the viewer right away, and it's not too hard to guess the outcome by the time that Poirot himself figures it out.

All of the usual members of Poirot's retinue are here. Captain Hastings races to the country in his car and arrives at the Waverly estate ahead of Poirot, who goes by train. Miss Lemon, in the meanwhile, has just completed her perfect filing system that cross references all of Poirot's cases five ways.

This episode has fine humor in places. Here are some favorite lines. For more humorous dialog, see the Quotes sections under this IMDb Web page of the episode.

Hercule Poirot, "Monsieur Waverly has received letters threatening to kidnap his son." Captain Hastings, "Really? In England? Could be some band of foreigners, you know. Some gang." Hercule Poirot is clearly agitated and says, "The letters give no indication that the writer is a foreigner."

Hercule Poirot, "Miss Lemon, Captain Hastings and I will be away until tomorrow. Hold the castle."

Chief Inspector Japp, "We see a hundred of these every day, Mr. Waverly. If we was to go chasing about after every one..." Hercule Poirot, "A hundred, Chief inspector?" Chief Inspector Japp, "Well, perhaps not a hundred. Mustn't be too literal, Mr. Poirot." Hercule Poirot, "Every day?" Chief Inspector Japp, "Every week, anyway."

Hercule Poirot, "Ah, you are too kind, Chief Inspector Japp. Your great heart will be your downfall." Chief Inspector Japp, "True. True."

As they are exploringn a tunnel, Hercule Poirot says, "Tell me, what do you make of this case?" Captain Hastings, "You don't expect me to think in the dark, do you?" Hercule Poirot, "Ah, Hastings. The little grey cells - sometimes they work ever better in the dark."
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