Refreshingly unsentimental
1 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
THE BOY IN THE PLASTIC BUBBLE is another interesting US TV movie of the 1970s, a time when the stations seemed to make one quirky little gem after another. This one stars John Travolta right on the cusp of stardom, playing a miracle kid born with a compromised immune system which means he has to live inside plastic sheeting to separate him from the rest of the human race. If he catches a common cold then it could well kill him. That's a tragic premise for sure, but one which is handled sensitively here and with a surprising (and thankful) lack of sentimentality. The production values are solid and the supporting cast features Buzz Aldrin, no less. I've always liked Travolta and even though he's too old for his role here he's likeable and goofy enough to make his character work. This reminded me a lot of the kind of Children's Film Foundation movies that Britain was making during the same era.
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