Tomb Raider (2018)
An Earnest Attempt to Break the Curse, But Ultimately Fails
16 March 2018
There has yet to be a really good video game movie adaptation. Many have tried, and none have succeeded. Even ones with outstanding talent behind it, such as Assassin's Creed, have fallen completely flat on their face. And with each upcoming video game movie, we all hope it will be the one to break the curse. For a while, I thought Tomb Raider could be the one. It stars Alicia Vikander, who won an Oscar for her performance in The Danish Girl. She plays Lara Croft, the daughter of a missing adventurer. When signing her father's will, Croft discovers a clue that leads her on a mission to an island where she must stop Mathias Vogel (Walton Goggins), the leader of a mysterious evil organization called Trinity. The more trailers I saw, the less enthusiastic I became for Tomb Raider, but still I held out hope that it would at least be entertaining. And the film is ultimately a very mixed bag. While there is fun to be had with Tomb Raider, I found myself laughing a lot during the runtime, and not at the things the movie wanted me to laugh at...
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