An enjoyable little rom-com...with odd casting.
29 March 2018
It's odd to have Czech actor and a British actress in the leads in a romantic comedy set in the States, but if you can look past that, "It's All Yours" is a very sweet film....and it's well worth your time.

When the story begins, you learn that Jimmy (Francis Lederer) is a playboy and has come from Europe to stay with his very rich uncle. However, Jimmy's crazy and lavish ways worry the uncle...so much so that an odd arrangement seems to have been worked out after the old man's death. So, instead of Jimmy inheriting everything, the fortune apparently goes to the secretary, Linda (Medeleine Carroll). She shocks Jimmy by becoming an even bigger spender with a very lavish lifestyle. What Jimmy doesn't know is that this is all for show, as she is trying to reform him and get him to grow up...and hopefully one day marry her. Gumming up the works are two folks pursuing each of them for their money. What's to become of all this?

While you wouldn't normally think of either of these folks in a comedy, it works out well...so well I nearly give the film an 8. Well made and clever.
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