Believe the low ratings
30 March 2018
Right up until the last two minutes of this flick I was going to give it 6 or 7 stars for being unique. The acting was good, the sets well-done, the story line original and interesting. There was plenty of "goofy" in this-- the whole dance arena thing topping the list. But one can forgive such via the settings and story line. It allows us to be a bit forgiving that the central plot agent is just a bit silly. The movie was still proving to be quite entertaining and the character interaction kept it going.

Then they dropped the bomb with a totally stupid and senseless ending that ruined the entire thing. It's like being served a decent 5-course dinner, then sugared rat-droppings for dessert. The best way I can describe the end of this film is, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" Let's just run out of ideas and pull the most cliche, brainless ending we can out of our empty bag of tricks.

I can't really discuss the actual flaws in the ending without spoilers. (I am really tempted to because of the potential satirical humor, but I will resist.) What we wind up with is a movie that drops viewers like a rock, makes the previous silly parts stand out like a dead chicken in the middle of the floor, and yes indeed, drops this to into the pit of a 3-star "bad movie". (Maybe 4 stars for the overall plot up to that point, but I'm not feeling generous at this juncture.)

If it's a rainy Saturday afternoon and you have popcorn and chocolate and have absolutely nothing else to do... pick up a book or something. Otherwise, waste your time on this writers-hit-a-blank-wall drivel.
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