Review of Blockers

Blockers (2018)
They would've done better without advertising this
9 April 2018
I'll be honest, I knew about this movie months in advance, and the preview made it look terrible. Then, on top of this, whenever I watched tv, ads for this movie would run during the commercials, and they were insufferable. I thought this movie was going to be absolute garbage(because that's what the previews made it out to be) and was kind of annoyed when my friends picked this of all movies to see. The theatre was almost empty, even though it was only day 2 of it being out. I'm guessing everyone else saw the ads and decided not to see it.

Anyway, to my utmost surprise, the movie actually turned out to be quite decent. I laughed throughout the movie. And it actually did have somewhat of a plot, and it was original humour, as opposed to the cheap sex and weed jokes that I expected it to be from watching the previews.

It's a shame. I feel that because they ran so many terrible ads for this movie that a lot of people will never get to experience this movie.
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