Two stories intersect
1 May 2018
The only two names you will recognize in the cast of Hollywood Flies are Casper Van Dien as a rich club owner who is now confined to a wheelchair because of a car wreck he caused while driving intoxicated and Brad Renfro as a sad sack bank robber. I guess they were there for a little bit of box office insurance, but these two both saw better film projects.

Van Dien's main squeeze Caprice Bourret has given him the air, but Casper is a spoiled rich guy who doesn't take no for an answer. He sics a private detective.

At the same time Anthony Cupo meets up with his sister Bianca Guerrero just over from Italy and they pick up two hitchhikers Vinnie Jones and Renfro. Big mistake this two did a bank robbery where one guy was killed and they've stashed the loot in a bus station locker. They hold Guerrero and want Cupo to go to Los Angeles and get their money.

Cupo and Bourret hook up under some odd circumstances and now everyone would like to get that loot.

The story is pretty lame with a lot of holes in it. But some real acting is done by Jones and Renfro who met each other in the joint. When Renfro says Jones helped him make it through prison you know exactly what Jones got from him in return. Jones is one dangerous dude.

Still Jones and Renfro are not enough to make up for the rest of the film.
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