A new low. Offers nothing new & doesn't deliver on the promise of the title/poster.
30 May 2018
Just finished watching this and it's easily the worst in the series. Not by a lot, since the last one wasn't amazing, but it seems like they don't have anything new to offer. At least the last one was in a different setting.

I thought it was going to be Tremors in the snow, which sounded fresh, but I guess they didn't have the budget to go to, or make the locations look like the Arctic, so they use the excuse of "global warming" to be able to shoot in South Africa and pass it off as northern Canada. Lame. After the opening sequence, which somewhat delivered on the promise of the title, you don't see any more snow and it's the same old same old we've seen in 5 movies. Just with lazier writing.

The characters aren't interesting, and it uses references to the first movie to make up for it. All that does is remind us of what a good Tremors movie was like.

Only hardcore fans will enjoy this. I'd advise others to stay away.
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