Deadpool 2 (2018)
I believe X will give it to you, again
31 May 2018
I was expecting less, and pleasantly surprised that it over delivered. In the first outing, when the jokes were stripped away there wasn't a whole lot happening. This time, there is a greater belief backing the picture - probably because this time Deadpool and crew more tightly inhabits the MCU. The new characters are all well fleshed out, Cable is a great foil, Domino a great sidekick and the action is not second rate. In fact the action was very solid. Cable kicks ass in a non derivative way - he is clearly a soldier. The emotional story is played reasonably straight - another sign of confidence. It doesn't hang off the film, but is integral to it. The plot is strangely lacking in the usual jar load of massive holes - even given the time travel. This just all gives the humour even more space to stand. (For me, Weasel gets top billing)

I'm happy to give a film, however lowbrow, an appropriate score if it delivers on it's premise. But there is an issue here: this film burns it's own genre for heat. The X-men are thrown onto the fire right in front of our eyes. With Thor: Ragnorak also played for laughs, there will be a more stratified feel to future Marvel. There is room for funny, or political, or world stretching. But falling between these stools will no longer work.
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