Could Have Been Good
13 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Con man Maykl (pronounced Michael) (Milos Bikovic) is conned out of $5-Million and gathers a group of people with Supernatural and Psychic powers to get it back within 7-days, before the Casino boss kills him..

This started out really good, but degraded into something else mostly because the background music was too loud and it was very difficult to hear conversations especially when Gordon (Antonio Banderas) is on screen. Sometimes it's difficult to hear him (Banderas) because of his accent, but when the background music chimes in, then it's almost impossible. All we really know about him is that he is aware of what Michael is up to and kind of lets us know he was pulling the strings all along. But is that true because we couldn't really hear his explanations; and, oh, yes he is Michael's father and wants Michael to team up with him for more con games.

Okay, add one more thing: most of the dialogues were dubbed in and this was most annoying.

Much CGI is used and it was okay, but ran a little long sometimes when a character goes into oblivion in his or her own mind. Okay, we get it, these people are not normal in the normal sense.

When a pretty Veronica (Lyubov Aksyonaova) goes into a coma we go into a series of strange sights and emotions as Michael get s into her mind and tries to get her back to normalcy. Her power was that she could make anyone do what she wanted, and this led me to believe that Michael didn't need all the others to get the $5-million back. He could have just used her, but then we wouldn't have had a movie, right? (right, except not sure we have one now)

Basically, this is a Russian production with a lot of CGI going on. Cut out the loud background music and dubbing and we might have had a good movie. Okay, okay and cut down on some of the CGI, too.

Like I said, this started out very good with Michael narrating what he is up to. Then when he gets conned, we lose the narrative and have to guess about everything else. When he recruits his "special people" it's done in such a way that we are not too convinced these "people "are convinced to follow him, but they do (movies can do anything they want). Kind of loose scenes here, see? (3/10)

Violence: Yes. Sex: No. Nudity: No. Humor: Brief. Language: Only one GDI heard. Rating: D
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