Required viewing for Cardiac Rehab
24 June 2018
The science is in, the protein in dairy causes inflammation in coronary arteries the trigger for heart disease. If you speak with younger cardiologists they are aware and will be first to say... to save your life move to a plant based diet. This is finally where President Clinton was Sent after a ",healthy" America diet failed him he was referred to Cleveland clinic to the author of this peer reviewed study based on the overwhelmingly positive outcomes If you're looking for the magic bullet, this is it. Unfortunately the meat and dairy industry is very effective in having its elected officials in our government enact legislation that protects and increases their profits. The result is the food pyramid that reflects special interests more than health guidelines. Any cardiac patient that wants to take control of their health must watch and put into practice this way of eating. If you're in a high risk group ie. strong family Hx embrace this. If you're concerned about getting enough protein take a look at gorillas, rhinos, elephants, horses all are large muscular animals who get their protein from plants.... a much more easily assimilated form. The same is possible for us. Just in time for you to put in a victory garden!
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