Review of The Wild One

The Wild One (1953)
Not wild , but lame , predictable and artificial
24 June 2018
This 1953 movie might be the first biker movie ever made. The plot for the movie is loosely based on a real event. At the very beginning of the movie you will read , that "this is a shocking story. It's a public challenge not to let it happen again". Then you'll hear a voice-over from Brando saying he regrets what happened and that it is a bad memory for him.

You're getting excited and curious what the hell happened. You're expecting a hardcore tragedy that will shock you and leave you speechless for months. And then...

Nothing. Nothing happened. Nothing really happened in this whole stinking movie. You keep waiting for a plot , but it never arrives. Maybe the movie was really shocking back in the 50's and 60's but from today's point of view ... What the hell was all the fuss about ?!

The story here is pretty much a western. A bunch of Indians...I mean bikers arrive to a small town and get in trouble with local people. The bikers lead by Johnny Strabler (Marlon Brando) all wear black leather jackets . They are rebellious against everything and everyone. Their devotion to Strabler is so big , that you could wonder if they aren't really a bunch of homosexuals on their way to "Blue oyster" ( watch "Police academy").

This is a "misunderstood youth vs. the establishment" movie. WE ARE TOLD by the filmmakers that the loud and obnoxious biker gang are sensitive people that deserve our sympathy. WE ARE TOLD by the filmmakers that the townspeople are intolerant ,brainless mob but the punks aren't . WE ARE TOLD by the filmmakers that we should understood Brando character , despite we never know what he really is rebelling against ("What are you rebelling against, Johnny ? " , - "Whataya got ? ").

Well I don't buy any of that bulls*** , Mr. Stanley Kramer (director of this movie). The story is naive and simplistic, the photography is dull , the editing and pacing are miserable. It's a melodrama , but without any emotional punch (I like good melodramas).

The story takes a cliché turn with Brando falling in love with a local girl . You see , he likes her , but she's from the world he can't accept. He has reputation , you know ? I've seen something like this done better in "Grease". The ending to this romance is as predictable as it could be. Anyone with half of brain will know what to expect from a movie about young rebel.

Brando is great in his role , even if the movie itself suck. He's torn between wanting to fit in and being rebel to the very end. It's obvious that he has desires , but feels the gaze and expectations of everybody around him. His very aware of how others perceive him and his behaviour is pretty much calculated posturing.

Great performance by Brando, also great acting by Lee Marvin (rival biker) , Mary Murphy (local girl) and Jay C. Flippen (county sheriff). The only redeeming aspect of this movie.

An outdated trash ,cliché , artificial , B-movie , nothing more. Bla bla bla about young people searching for freedom , blab la bla adults are hypocrites and so on... There are better movies about misunderstood youth. This is not one of them , even if it has got Marlon Brando. He himself was disappointed with this movie . He said that it failed to explain the roots of young people rebellion. I agree with him. I give it 3/10.
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