Not enough for this running time
25 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Usedom: Der freie Blick aufs Meer" or "Usedom: Clear View at the Sea" is a new German documentary movie from 2017 and it runs for a bit over 90 minutes. Writer and director is Heinz Brinkmann and apparently this is the third and maybe final chapter to his Usedom trilogy that started back 25 years ago. I wish I could say something more positive here about it as Brinkmann had his 70th birthday yesterday, but I just can't. I don't think this was a particularly good watch and it does not really get me curious about the previous installments. Or maybe it actually does as these old scenes we see in here are much better and interesting than pretty much everything else in here. I only want to mention two parts I enjoyed. The first would be the scenes early on with the ice cream vendor. We see him naked back in the day at the nudity section of the beach and in the now a quarter century later just enjoying retirement at the same beach. I thought he was funny, interesting and also that he had some really fitting and accurate things to say about stress, enjoying life and finding one's peace. The second scene would be somebody working on Usedom and we hear him talk about his children and grandchildren and how they moved to Hamburg away from the island, which had something final to it and shows audiences how life in the cities has become more simple and tempting than fighting for your money and maybe working physically hard on the island. The comment about Usedom being the prettiest while Sylt is the most expensive and Rügen the biggest at the end of the film was not too bad either. Everything in-between though I found fairly forgettable. We don't find out too much about the people living on the island from the personal perspective with the exception when we see one hotel lobby worker also near the end, but it's all about people working in all kinds of different jobs there and honestly I felt it could have been recorded everywhere else, not even necessarily on any other island, but just on every location that is known for tourism in German-speaking regions. It was not particularly informative, not particularly entertaining and the visual side did not exactly make me curious about travelling to Usedom and this comes from somebody who likes swimming and the sea. So yeah, I was disappointed by this one overall, especially given how it started fairly nicely. But it went south fairly quickly and that's why I give the watch a thumbs-down as a whole. Watch something else instead unless you are part of this film or just really really love German islands or Usedom in particular. Butg even then it is not a must-see by any means.
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