Ring of Fire (1961)
Phew, What a Scorcher
2 July 2018
Another thrill ride from Andrew & Virginia Stone that with the aid of veteran cameraman William Clothier provides a triple feast for the eyes in the form of the lush verdant hills of Oregon, foxy beat girl Joyce Taylor and a final conflagration that makes the burning of Atlanta in 'Gone with the Wind' look like a rehearsal.

Miss Taylor in her skinny jeans, long-life lipstick, permanent wave and a white blouse that remains spotless almost until the very end is supposed to be underage (she was actually in her late twenties) but exudes a mischievous knowingness worthy of Louise Brooks; and she and David Janssen bring a humour as dry as the local brush to their scenes together as she decides she digs him more than the two punks with whom she's previously been wasting her time.

As I write this fire fighters are ironically still struggling to keep under control some of the worst wildfires in living memory now ravaging Saddleworth Moor in North West England. So keep watching what you do with those discarded cigarette ends.
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