October Gale (2014)
8 July 2018
A Netflix reviewer suggested that this film improves somewhat after the first 20 minutes of watching a middle-aged woman cleaning her house. I didn't make it that far, so I can't comment.

What I can say is that if you're going to make a film that begins with 20 minutes of house-cleaning, you could at least get the actress to fold the blankets neatly! I believe I actually developed a bad case of OCD while watching this movie. Either that, or it was just so dull that my mind began to obsess over irrelevant details in the set dressing.

It's a rare film that makes me give up so soon, but this one managed to be both boring and depressing before anything had even happened (other than an unevenly folded blanket), so I didn't get to see if she restocked the fridge or merely emptied it.
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