Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (2009 Video Game)
Uncharted 2 Among Thieves: Another masterpiece
17 July 2018
When Uncharted was first released back in 2007 it initially came under fire as a Tomb Raider clone. Critics said based on the trailers that it looked like Lara Croft had a sex change and that it would lack originality.

When the game was actually released however the critics were silenced and the title was critically acclaimed.

A sequel was inevitable and unsurprisingly was met with positivity once again, but why?

Uncharted can be compared to Tomb Raider, they are hugely similiar titles but in this guys opinion Uncharted has far better plots.

Uncharted 2 see's Nathan Drake and familiar faces travel the world in search of Marco Polo' lost fleet. Once again the game is enormous in size, wonderfully written, full of likeable characters, decent puzzles and a wealth of originality.

Ontop of this is flawless voice acting led by Nolan North and the husky goddess Claudia Black.

Uncharted 2 delivers as successfully as the first game and as a whole is near flawless. A fantastic addition to a franchise that is nothing short of phenomenal.

The Good:

Incredible score

Very good voice acting

Perfectly crafted level design

The Bad:

Couple of frustrating moments

Things I Learnt From This Game:

Claudia Black could tell me I have cancer in my butt and I'd still melt
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