Jungleground (1995)
26 July 2018
JUNGLEGROUND is a really cool 90s urban set Action Thriller starring the AWESOME "RODDY PIPER" R.I.P, here he's fantastic as the Action Hero of this film, "Roddy" really was a great actor & should have made it bigger into an Action star but he didn't? He ended up, as the lead role at least in straight to video films, but that DEFINITELY doesn't mean his films are bad!!! "JUNGLEGROUND" is a fun & gritty pure 90s Thriller, about a certain area that's so bad & violent & gang infested that even cops won't go there & that place is called "jungleground" & our hero "Roddy" has a little mission down there, some kinda undercover drugs bust as he's a Cop & let's just say things go wrong & "Roddy" is from then on being Hunted in the urban hell hole by gangs & it's so much fun, like a low-budget version of "The Warriors" mixed with "Escape from New York" & that's exactly what "Jungleground" is, it's a genre movie, it's a fun straight to video action flick with a great B-movie action star!!! The gangs are ridiculously un-scary but fun & like i said "Roddy" makes a great Hero & very likable & he does some cool action, runs alot through the dark & dangerous night time streets of JUNGLEGROUND. DEFINITELY check out this little low-budget Action GEM, this film makes good late night entertainment, Also if like me you love "Roddy piper" films check out "THEY LIVE" "TOUGH & DEADLY" "SCI-FIGHTERS" & "THE BAD PACK" all really good, straight to video action Thriller's especially "The Bad Pack" from 1997 also starring another great "Robert Davi"

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