Piano Mooner (1942)
Why would all these women wanna marry that pipsqueak?!
2 August 2018
In this short from Columbia Pictures, Harry Langdon plays a piano tuner who won't commit to his long-time girlfriend. So, her brother does what any good brother would do...threaten to kill Harry unless he marries his sister that day! Well, Harry has some piano tuning to do and plans on returning to marry her at 3. But the maid at the house he's visiting has an urge to marry and has decided on Harry...like it or not. After taking the ring he bought his fiance, things look scary for Harry. What's next?

In the early days of comedy, slapstick was all the rage. After all, movies were silent and not particularly sophisticated in the 1910s. And one element these films also often had was the angry person firing a gun wildly....and no one actually getting hit by the bullets. It was a VERY cheap gimmick...and never a funny one. So why in 1942 would the film have this in it towards the end?! Plus, why would everyone just stand about....watching the guy shooting at Harry?! None of it make sense and the overall quality of the film up until then wasn't bad. But this cheap joke left me feeling cold and unsatisfied.
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