Officer Downe (2016)
A Literal Letdown
5 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Based on the Comic Book of the same name, Officer Downe is directed by Shawn Crahan who is a member of the Heavy Metal band Slipknot, who has only directed two Music videos for Slipknot to his credit that alone should tell you everything about this movie quality. Trying to explain this film is like trying to explain a fever dream brought on by LSD and it feels like that. The film is about a Police officer who can be brought back to life using psychics at a local LA Police Station, once revived the said Officer becomes a Super Undead Cop task with bringing down Criminals in the most violence ways possible. The show how over the top this film is, the film starts with a sex scene accompanied with an orgasm count, we are not two minutes in the film and we are already off to a good start.

Later on we are introduced by leather tight nuns led by Mother Supreme, a criminal underground cult led by three people who wear animal masks and even a freaking Ninja Squad led by a very cheesy Zen Master Flash. You would think with all of those elements in this would make this film enjoyable and for the most part it is due to its Schlocky nature along with its bizarre editing, but halfway through the movie tries to be serious for some reason by making Officer Downe simplifying with the psychics in a performance that is supposed to be emotional but comes across as a bit inapposite for this type of film. It is also at this point that the film loses its comedic value slowing the pace of the film down, not to mention there are moments in the movie when the acting becomes stale. The worst offender is actor Kim Coates who plays the title character, it's clear that he isn't given any direction for his character resulting with him doing a topsy turvy performance, the film come across as a bit inept trying too hard and failing harder to take itself seriously in a film that no one will take seriously.

I haven't read the Officer Downe comic books, it seems that it took ideas from Judge Dredd and Robocop and both of which were remade at a time when superhero cop films were gaining popularity again. Officer Downe (the Movie) came out at a good time when the superhero cop trend was still relevant. It is somewhat of a shame that the movie didn't work out the way everybody wanted it to, there was a plan for a sequel but after the reception that this film got the sequel idea was immediately put down. If the film stuck with its goofiness, over the top action scene and didn't take itself seriously then the film would have work as a "so bad it's good" type of film.
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