Second Jen (2016– )
The Worst - Writing, Directing, Production, Acting and WORST Casting Agent Ever!
8 August 2018
This show is currently the worst show on Canadian TV in my opinion. The writing is sub-sub-sub-par with some of the worst comedy scripts I've ever seen performed on television. The jokes are so bad even my parents groan at them. The entire show stinks and the flimsy premise wears thin after the first minute of the first episode. The show is also just poorly produced and looks amateurish and cheap. Frankly it looks like it doesn't belong on TV.

Worst of all though are the annoying characters and the awful performances by the worst possible cast. Unless only two people showed up at the auditions they must have deliberately chosen the worst possible ones? Whoever cast this show and approved of that cast needs to never work in TV again. They're really so surprisingly bad I actually looked up the casting credits here on IMDb which is something I've never even thought about doing before, and the woman credited for casting this show has a resume full of duds. I'm looking at you Marjorie Lecker. Check various other people working on this show and their resumes are full of duds too. How do people so bad at their jobs keep getting more work in this industry?

I mean if I was really bad at filing and data entry I would be fired from my job, so when your shows are critically panned and poorly rated and canceled and hated by movie and TV fans here on IMDb HOW do you keep getting more jobs? This is a serious question. Is it because Canadian content rules mean the government has to keep sending tax money to these people to make Canadian TV shows? Is it because the industry in Canada is a clique where terrible, untalented people just hire each other because they're friends and don't care about the quality of the shows they make? I would really like to know because it may answer the far bigger question of WHY are so many Canadian shows bad... it really is like these people don't care about the stuff they make being good, and also like they don't HAVE to care.

The system needs to be fixed and awful shows like this prove it. In the states if someone makes a show anywhere near this bad they stop airing it and the people who made it don't keep getting work automatically.
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