The Crush (I) (2010)
Never Doubt The Sincerity of a Serious Boy in Love!
11 August 2018
This short movie does an exceptional job- maybe the best ever- of capturing the reality of a very young, partly mature- but impossible love. "Been there- that was me!" Some reviewers have dispensed with (or don't want to revisit) their childhood, calling the film 'childish'. Others seem incapable of absorbing the intense/beautiful love ("To The Death!") emanating from this serious youngster. It literally drips off of him, 55 pounds of pure, kick-ass chivalry! There is the Oscar appeal. Sadly, when the plot turned dark, it became totally unrealistic, a case of 'GTF' -Going Too Far - (Goldie Hawn/'CrissCross').

Still, a highly recommended must see, for cinema lovers.
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