Very emotional documentary
17 August 2018
A movie that goes through a delicate drama going on in the Atacama desert.

Until I watched it, I honestly didn't know that the best place in the whole world to search for light from the universe, also possesses the remaining of a mass tragedy that Chile went through. The movie brought these two things coherently, and it has this incredible comparison between a two distinct opposites, the beauty of the universe, and the ugliness of ourselves.

Somewhere in the movie one has to ask himself many questions. In a universe this vast with endless dots spreading all over its unbelievably ample space, with each dot as a whole star, smaller, similar or larger than the Sun; why do teeny tiny humans on Earth act so blindly to each others?! What is the purpose of knowing what's up there a million light years away while we still can't understand or deal with what's just beneath our noses? How come we were able to develop such powerful telescopes to look deep into outer space but not being able to develop a clearer insight to our own kind? And, how absurd it is to seek political power at any cost.

This beautiful movie provokes such questions and more, using the hardest way imaginable. Beautiful, but sad documentary.
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