Pleasure Spa (2013 TV Movie)
Highly Entertaining Sexploitation Picture
18 August 2018
Pleasure Spa (2013)

*** (out of 4)

Dusty (Cindy Lucas) is running a massage parlor with all sorts of beautiful ladies. A couple new clients enter the business and what Dusty doesn't realize is that they're actually undercover cops trying to see if the ladies are doing a tad bit more than rubbing backs.

PLEASURE SPA comes from director Jim Wynorski who is one of the best directors out there when it comes to "B" movies. He has worked in pretty much every genre and that includes making several of these sexploitation movies for television. These type of movies were big back in the day because places like Cinemax and HBO would show them on Friday and Saturday nights. Today the genre isn't as big but I must say that PLEASURE SPA was one of the better films I've seen from the genre.

Wynorski always makes entertaining films and that's certainly the case here because there are some really good scenes throughout. Of course, this is a sexploitation movie so there are countless scenes of simulated sex and the scenes are extremely well done and I might add quite erotic as well. The cast is full of beautiful ladies so there's never nothing good not on the screen. There are some very erotic moments as well as some downright fun ones including one sequence where six ladies try to fit into what has to be the largest shower ever.

Perhaps the highlight of the film is a topless tennis match, which has to be the greatest tennis match since Alfred Hitchcock's STRANGERS ON A TRAIN. If you're looking for a hard-hitting drama or something to make you warm and fuzzy on the inside then this movie isn't going to be for you. If you're looking for some cheap fun with plenty of naked ladies then PLEASURE SPA delivers.
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