The Assault (1998)
Lots of Dead Bodies and Plenty of Action
19 August 2018
The Assault (1996)

*** (out of 4)

Female cop Stacy (Stacie Randall) takes a woman to a shelter after she witnessed her boyfriend murdered by a drug cartel. Pretty soon the cartel tracks the woman down and begins an attack on the shelter so Stacy and the rest of the ladies must put up a fight to keep them out.

This low-budget action picture from Jim Wynorski is obviously a take off on ASSAULT FROM PRECINCT 13, which of course was a take off on John Wayne's RIO BRAVO. If you're looking for a big-budget action movie then you're certainly coming to the wrong place and if you're wanting some sort of art film, well, that's not this movie. With that being said, if you're looking for an action movie that has non-stop violence then you're certainly at the right movie.

What I liked the most about this picture is that it makes up for the low-budget by making sure there are countless death scenes. In fact, I really do wonder if this film has one of the highest body counts in film history because the entire premise of the film basically has tons of men running out of the woods to attack the house and of course they are constantly being shot up. The film is rated PG-13 so don't expect a bunch of gore but the non-stop piles of bodies falling was a lot of fun.

Wynorski certainly keeps the film moving at a very good pace and there's no question that he does a very good job with the film. It also helps that the cast is a lot of fun and that includes Randall who does a nice job carrying the film. There are a lot of familiar faces in the supporting parts including Matt McCoy (THE HAND THAT ROCKS THE CRADLE), Melissa Brasselle (various Wynorski films), Leo Rossi (HALLOWEEN II), Peter Spellos (SORORITY HOUSE MASSACRE II) and Toni Naples (HARD TO DIE). The fun cast certainly helps keep the viewer entertained.

THE ASSAULT isn't a masterpiece but for a low-budget action film it is about as fun as you're going to get.
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