Violent but decent Pasta Western with two great Spaghetti stars : Hilton and Wolff and shot in Almeria , Spain , as usual
7 September 2018
It is an exciting western that packs a story full of violence , thrills , fights , killings , horse pursuits , decent realization , ordinary zooms, adding amazing close-ups , and passable interpretations abound . Here Hilton plays Kitosch, who his mocked and abused by his ranch hand workmates, when he his discovered with Don Jaime's (Eduardo Fajardo) wife (Pamela Tudor) . But he succeeds in getaway , though Don Jaime has put his henchmen on Kitosch in a relentless pursuit . With the arrival in the next small town he tries to ask the sheriff (John Bartha) for protection, but Kitosch is charged with a crime he did not commit . However, instead of getting help, he is arrested and locked up to be delivered to Don Jaime's hoodlums . At this moment a cruel pistolero called Joshua Tracy (Frank Wolff who steal the show ), who is searched with the warrant frees him from jail . Then he joins up with Joshua , a brutal gunslinger who suffers epilepsy . Later on , he kidnaps and blackmails Don Jaime' s spouse . Kitosch redeems himself by saving his former employer and wife .

Offbeat Spaghetti Western that follows the Sergio Leone wake , but it is also proceeded in American models . It's a stirring western with breathtaking gunfight between the protagonist George Hilton against the heartless Eduardo Fajardo and his hoodlums . George Hilton and Frank Wolff as starring couple are fine, they ravage the screen, shoot , hit and run and kill . This movie is a lot of fun to watch . It's an acceptable story with a touch of peculiarity, some likable characters, and an amazing music score and at the final happens a surprising denouement . Hilton delivers a decent acting as a cowboy who is mistreated and gets brand like an animal , but not long time after he turns the tables carrying out a vendetta . The Uruguay-born George Hilton was a Spaghetti first-star such as ¨ Sartana no perdone¨ , ¨Go kill and come back¨ , ¨Kitosch¨ , ¨They call me Alleluja¨ , ¨Ruthless four¨ , ¨Alleluja for Django¨ , and also played successful Giallio as ¨The strange vice of Mrs Wardh¨ , ¨The scorpion's tale¨, ¨All colors of the dark¨ , ¨My deal Killer¨ . He teams up , as co-protagonist , with Frank Wolff as the vicious and epileptic outlaw , he started his career by acting in several Roger Corman films. However, Wolff had to travel to Europe to be successful. He was finally able to become a well known actor in Italy and Europe with his performance in Salvatore Giuliano (1962) and had roles in many European film productions. Moreover, Wolff became a major star in Spaghetti Westerns. His most famous, but briefest, performances was as Brett McBain, the friendly farmer in Sergio Leone's One upon a time in the West (1968). He also brought much needed light relief as the sheriff in Sergio Corbucci's The great silence (1968). When the time of "Spaghetti-Westerns" was ending, Wolff had several roles in Italian crime movies. Other memorable performances were in Duccio Tessari's Giallo Death started last night (1970) or in one of Wolffs last performances as a police commissioner in Fernando Di Leo's Milán, caliber 9 (1972). Sadly, the great actor suffered from depression and killed himself in the Hilton , comitting sucide at early age .

Evocative and atmospheric cinematography Fausto Rossi , shot on location in Spain , Almeria , desert Tabernas , as usual . Adequate and thrilling musical score by Piero Umiliani . Twisted and complex screenplay by Fulvio Gicca Palli , being efficiently produced by Pavoni . The motion picture was professionally directed by Nando Cícero who made other westerns as ¨Il Tempo Degli Avvoltoi¨ and ¨Professionals for a Massacre¨ and several Italian Sex comedies as La Dottoressa Del Distretto Militare , W La Foca , L'assistant Sociale Tutto Pepe , La Liceale Il Diavolo E L'Acquasanta , Il Gatto Mammone , among others
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