13 brothers from different mothers
10 September 2018
Or as it is called in many regions too: The Heroic Ones. I think this is the title it is best known for outside of Hong Kong or China in general. One of those Shaw Brothers movies, although some do argue not just one of them. One of the better ones. And I do think you can make the case for that. There is a lot to like overall in this movie.

And while it had been a while since I watched this, I did re-watch it and it did held up. It also was a longer version that I watched back in the day. At least half an hour longer than the one I saw as a kid. And while it may have some editing choices that may seem curious to say the least, it still has some very fine action sequences. Of course you can't compare them to the very latest in the stunt choreography. But there is violence, there is blood and the fighting is overall good.

The ending may split a few or rather what leads up to it. There are choices that may seem weird to say the least and you may be furious, but then again the movie made you feel something ... that you can salute or be angry about
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