Had lots of potential but end up pretty "ordinary"
11 September 2018
After having seen the movie Lady Bloodfight with Amy Johnston i imediately hunt down her second feature film as the lead wich is Female Fight Squad(or Club depending on where you live). Just as Lady Bloodfight i had to import this one.

Unfornunately i didn't had fun like i did Lady Bloodfight. Amy does a fine job in the movie but the script is a bit "meh" and the main problem is for a movie call "Fight Club/Squad", there ain't that much fighting in it, and the few of them are not much impressive or brutal.

I wouldn't say its "bad" but it let a lot to be desire. I am a huge fan of Amy ever since i discovered her early this year, but this movie is "average" at best. Not her fault at all.
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