The Flying Nun: Marcello's Idol (1969)
Season 3, Episode 5
A wife for Carlos
12 September 2018
Sister Bertrille feels one of the children in the convent, Marcello (Manuel Padilla Jr.) is lacking a father-like figure to look up to. She is concerned when he says that person is Carlos. She asks Carlos to take Marcello sailing the next day, but he forgets after wooing Lila (the screen debut of the lovely Farrah Fawcett, "Charlie's Angels") and brings her along as his "crew". Marcello takes the wheel to essentially chauffeur the couple around. When Sister Bertrille learns of the situation she is angered. Nevertheless, Marcello wants Carlos to adopt him, but Carlos must be married first. The boy goes to local newspaper office to take out an ad for a wife for Carlos. The editor (Peter Mamakos) finds the situation amusing and runs it as a feature story on the front page. Women swarm Carlos and he flees with Marcello jumping in the car with him. They have a heart-to-heart while hiding out by a fountain.
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