Final Space (2018–2021)
Very rare is under the radar accurately used.. This series is really great
13 September 2018
I have not binge watched anything in a single session in along, long time. I have seen almost everything science fiction thats ever been made since 1970ish. Its my crack. This was like the feeling of smoking crack for the first time, even tho ive been a scifi junkie for 25+ years. Its some super space crack. And i liked it. Allot. Dont get deterred by the first couple eps, it picks up major steam after them. I did not expect to like the characters and connect with them on any level.. Its just not something that happens with any animated series to me very often. And im a big anime watcher. But i almost felt myself laughing out loud, and then getting a big ol' hold back a tear lump in the back of my throat within the same episodes. So rare for a something animated to make you feel that kinda of range of emotions, and care for the character. Do yourself a big favor and watch this series. I still cant believe its made by a simple youtuber either. Whos content is very mediocre to me. But most youtube persons are to me. I guess The great red man Conan saw something in this guy that meant he was destined for much greater things. And he was on the money with this guy. Far out. So good. In some ways its even better than rick and morty.
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