Mr Inbetween (2018–2021)
Good escapist fare
27 September 2018
Two episodes in and already I'm a fan. The whole "thug for hire" premise suggested this would be a dark show - gritty and serious. Not so. It's actually fairly lighthearted, especially considering the subject matter, and that makes it a fun watch. The cast is largely unknown - at least in the US - but I enjoyed Damon Herriman for years as Dewey Crowe in Justified, and he brings a lot of that Sad Sack charm to this new role. This show isn't going to sweep the Emmys, but it's a pleasant way to kill half an hour, and it has the potential to become a bit more than that.

And for those reviewers who complained about the Australian accents, close captioned (subtitled) versions are available on most of the torrent sites.

This is an UPDATE - I haven't changed any part of my original review except the rating.

I wrote my original review after only 2 episodes, and after having watched the entire series I changed my rating from 8/10 to 10/10. This show really did live up to its full potential - screamingly funny at times (in a dark way), but remarkably poignant as well, especially when addressing Ray's family issues. I'll be keeping an eye on everyone involved in this production to see what they do next...
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