Bodyguard: Episode #1.6 (2018)
Season 1, Episode 6
Possibly the worst thing I have seen on Television
30 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I just really don't know where to begin with the review. The U.K. were treating this series as though it were the second coming.

Let's start by saying I am all up for British TV dramas to start to get a bit more unbelievable. I don't always want realism and want to be taken beyond Mid Summers Murders and The Bill.

I thought the train premise in episode one was generally exciting and got the adrenaline stirred, although I was slightly concerned about the rather dreary acting from the lead character but I thought it may be that he is a troubled soul. As it was he was just DULL and made every single line he muttered painful to listen to.

I had no interest in him at all and whether he was double crossing, I just wish he had died rather than the Home Secretary.

And then we have the final episode... well I know you have to change things for dramatic purposes and you can't follow proper police procedure otherwise we would be sitting there for hours waiting for negotiators to bring him a Kentucky Fried Chicken and sing him a lullaby but it was just sloppy writing.

Why pass him a radio that could activate the bomb when you are ten feet from him and can talk to him? Why place yourself at the end of an alleyway in full view of the bomb, which if it goes off will be tunnelled with greater force down the alley straight at you.

Even my 72 year old mother who loves all British Dramas rang me up to shout about how pathetic it was.

Unfortunately it appears it got better viewing figures than Downtown Abbey so assume we have put to up with more of this rubbish.

Yes BBC you have to compete with Netflix and Amazon but please don't compromise on quality.
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