Surprisingly decent film
4 October 2018
This is a surprisingly decent film. I'm equally surprised by the number of downvotes here. What, not enough sex, language and gore for the mainstream? Or were some folks totally unaware they were dialing into a cartoon-based movie?

This has a good story, good characters, an actual lesson, and was an enjoyable watch. Yes parts of it jumped the shark a bit; welcome to the realm of super-heroes. That tends to happen a lot in this field.

After the recent plethora of cringe-worthy superhero movies full of ultra-violence and character assassination (Batman, Superman, X-Men, etc etc) it was refreshing to watch a film that brought this genre back to its basic values: ordinary people that suddenly have power and aren't sure what to do with it.

The storyline never slumps. It's never "totally ridiculous". Basic plot holds up. The individual characters are actually well-formed and thought out. I would have liked to see Squirrel Girl given a little more "awesome" (since she at one time managed to take out THANOS) but she's just getting started in this one.

The writers very well got the ideas across of: Don't abuse your powers just because you can... don't judge a book by its cover... don't judge too hastily... give people a chance to redeem themselves. I'll take that kind of content over hyper-action and violence any day. Not that there wasn't plenty of action and violence in this; it was just subdued compared to the general media these days.

I am not a big fan of "Saturday morning cartoon" type fare. But this one did well enough to earn a solid 6 stars in my book (would have been 7 if the animation had been a bit better). Well worth the watch, and a good morality flick. Brought back the days when comics were less gratuitous, less violent, and had far better stories. Overall I think a decent effort.
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