Review of Advantageous

Advantageous (2015)
A well writen and acted sci-fi film for thinking people...
6 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
'Advantageous' is a well written rather unique, in some ways, science fiction film for those of us who prefer a thoughtful story over nonstop action and million dollar special effects. This is a thinking person's film. The story is about a not too distant future where high paying jobs are scarce unless you're under 30 and beautiful. Some might say that future is already here. A new technology has been developed that allows people to transfer their minds into younger healthier bodies that can be customized to look any way you'd like. This technology is still untested on humans. The lead character in the film, Gwen, is faced with losing her corporate spokeswoman job even though she is still smart , young and beautiful, perhaps she's 35 or 40 years old, unfortunately Gwen is not young enough for what her company wants in their spokesperson so she is let go. Gwen needs to see to it that her teen daughter, about to enter a costly prep school, is provided for. She tries her best but can't find a decent paying job to support herself and her daughter. It's obvious that her daughter means everything to Gwen and she would do anything for her. Gwen has an idea, in order to keep her high paying corporate spokeswoman job she will volunteer herself to be the first human to go through the body transfer process. She is, after all, the ideal candidate to be her own younger replacement since she already has the knowledge needed for the job. The corporate execs like Gwen's offer, perhaps this is what they had in mind all along, to force Gwen into changing her body or be jobless. There is a significant sacrifice required for this transformation that's kept from Gwen by the corporation, they obviously only care about the money to be made. Gwen is secretly made aware of this price by a friend she has within the company. The true nature of the transformation is hidden from other potential clients for good reason. I won't reveal the details here and ruin the surprises. The story is thoughtful, heartfelt, and intriguing; the acting is good by all those involved. There are some futuristic special effects that are well done, that's impressive since I suspect this film did not have a huge budget. I felt there were some slow sections in the story, my wife disagreed. Overall this is a very good, thinking person's sci-fi film, for me most of the best are like that. This is the sort of film you might want to discuss with other viewers afterwards. I also like the clear satisfying ending. I'm fed up with ambiguous endings that leave too much up for interpretation by the viewer, to me that's the invention of lazy writers. This ending is good and the film is well worth seeing.

I give this a 7 out of 5 star rating.
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