Mr Inbetween (2018–2021)
Best new show of 2018 by far
12 October 2018
This show absolutely blew me away. I saw the trailers for it and was actually looking forward to this show, thinking it would probably be good or at least decent. But this show completely took me by surprise. I did not expect this show to be as good as it turned out to be at all. In only one season, this has become one of my new favorite shows. It's incredibly unique. Sure, the basic premise of an antihero we're supposed to relate to and root for is nothing new and is actually what has driven a large amount of television shows since Tony Soprano popularized that. But the way they go about exploring that premise in this show is what makes it interesting. Without giving away too much, there doesn't seem to be an overarching story yet. We kind of get one that continues through some of the episodes, but for the most part, the show is just about following our main character, Ray, and the crazy situations he finds himself in. And this was a big draw for me. I find it interesting to watch a main character just kind of go through his life. There isn't really a main plot or any subplots. Just these different situations Ray falls into. It's more serialized than I thought it would be, but I'm fine with it because for the type of show it is, it works. The acting and writing can't go without notice either. The acting in this show is just beyond great. All of these actors feel so natural in their roles, especially Scott Ryan as Ray. He kills this role, which makes sense seeing as how he is the sole writer and creator of the show. His writing is in the same caliber as his acting too, with dialogue so well written and delivered it reminded me of watching a Tarantino movie the whole time. Just the way characters talk to each other about the simplest things that really aren't important to what's going on, but it's made interesting in the way it's written and with the delivery. This also is the biggest part of what makes the show so funny. This is probably the funniest show I've watched in quite some time. The show manages to deftly balance comedy and drama effectively, showing the brutality that comes with Ray's job as a fixer, but not taking it all that seriously, because even though Ray is really good at his job, he still manages to throw a joke or insult in the mix that works with the situation, and creates great humor. This also comes down to the direction from Nash Edgerton(brother of Joel Edgerton), who directs all six episodes in the first season. His direction is top notch as well, with the camera always having clear focus on what's going on. The camera is almost entirely handheld, but it's very steady throughout so it actually adds to the raw, sort of indie filmmaking style on display here. There are also a lot of really great looking wide shots throughout Season 1, and these provide some beautiful imagery. The show has also got a great soundtrack, with a great selection of songs that play over the credits of each episode, as well as the original score that plays during the episodes themselves. The music never feels out of place and always quietly builds up, perfectly accompanying each scene. Overall, everything in this first season of Mr Inbetween is perfect. The acting, writing, directing, music, cinematography, and characters are all worthy of heavy praise. This is real filmmaking right here and this is as good as TV gets right now. I would say this is easily the best new show of 2018, and the best show on at the moment, right next to Better Call Saul and The Deuce. Just high quality all around. Very pleased to hear that FX has renewed this for a Season 2 because it deserves it. I can't wait to see more of this show. I seriously cannot praise this show enough. 10/10
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