Mr. Mercedes (2017–2019)
Good Show...But...
26 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm one of those who reads the book before watching the adaptation (if I truly enjoyed the story, sometimes I like to see how things play out on screen). That being said, I read all 3 of the books in the Mr. Mercedes trilogy and I think they did a good job with this show. Just finished watching the season 2 finale, so I'm caught up to speed. If you haven't read the books, you'll have a different experience watching this than I have. The show stayed somewhat true to the books (season 1 more so). Season 2 strayed quite a bit and I'm not sure how I feel about that. A few things bothered me, so I'll voice them here.

For starters, they added Holland Taylor's character (Ida) as a main player to the show. I adored her. In interviews, it was stated she was created to give Bill someone to socialize with since he was lonely and depressed. They utilized her well in season 1, but we barely saw much of her in season 2. The reason for this seems to be because they also created a role for Bill's wife (she also wasn't in the book) - and I just don't see why this was necessary. Ida actually WAS mentioned in the book, but very mildly when Bill was interviewing some of his neighbors to find out about any suspicious people/activities in the neighborhood and she was the one who mentioned the ice cream man (which he eventually put together as Brady).

Instead of pairing him back up with his wife, I would have preferred to see him develop a stronger bond with Ida in the show. She just exuded class, strength and a quiet dignity - and I was sorry to see her take a back seat to an unnecessary character (his wife) when it didn't add any value to the plot..

Jerome, who was different (happier - and his intelligence was so evident) was underused in the series. He was far more likable in the books, his family life was decent and he didn't have such a nervous and controlling father. He also had a great relationship with his sister. This was important to the story.

In fact, Bill, Jerome and Holly (the trio of strength, humanity and entertainment) didn't work together nearly as much in the series, but in the books, their deep friendship and compatible working relationship were special. I would have liked to see that translated better on screen. Bill valued and needed Jerome and Holly in the books and he cherished them. On screen, he just kind of snapped at them a lot.

Season 2 strayed considerably from the book (which was based on book 3 since book 2 was completely different and didn't involve Brady). I think it was wise to bypass book 2 (Finders Keepers) in the series (for now anyway) since viewership was strongly based on BOTH Bill's AND Brady's characters (and Treadaway's excellent portrayal of him), so it was better to go ahead and keep that plot running.

However, they left a lot unfinished...and completely changed the direction of things in the last several episodes of the show. Maybe this can turn out to be a good thing since they (the writers, producers) can use what happened at the end of the show, combine it with how Brady's character lived on after his body died in the book and create an entire season out of that. If fans are depressed thinking the show is over, this would be a great way to give them a happy surprise by creating additional content for a third season (and even a fourth one - if done right)..

The zapits, which were prominent in book 3, played a smaller part in the show. They showed Jerome's sister using this along with Ida handing them out to her students...and then just left it. Other than Al and Sadie, the nurse, it was sort of abandoned..

In the book, that plot line was well developed and contributed to the entirety of the story and created a LOT of havoc.

They also left Dr. Babineau's character open-ended...and considering how things worked in the book, there is room to continue on with him, his wife, Jerome's sister (Barbara) and Brady (even deceased).

Lou's character (Freddie in the book) is probably the one I liked better onscreen vs. in the book (Bill and Brady I liked about as much fleshed out equally in acting and writing). Breeda Wool added a ton of depth and heart to this character...and she stands out as one of my favorites.

I also thought Kelly lynch did an amazing job as Deb Hartsfield. She, to me anyway, was easier to sympathize with onscreen. In the book, not as much. Her death scene was grueling and so very well played. She's one hell of an actress - and that scene stayed true to the book as well. She deserves an award for that.

Holly, to me, was better in writing. Her written character was brilliant (even if awkward). Onscreen, she was awkward and likable, but her extreme intelligence was minimized - and that was a shame.

All in all, I enjoyed the series, but the books are still better in my opinion. I think SK's work deserves longer adaptations since they are so layered...but true character development is what makes a story - and I just feel they missed the boat with some of the characters and scenes with the show. Plus, I'll never understand some of the changes made. Why introduce a new character (Ida) just to have her sit around while you bring on another new character (Bill's wife)? I learned to care for Ida. Bill's wife was colder and I just didn't get the whole thing.

Lastly, even though the ending strayed from the book, I feel they left room to develop a season 3 based on how book 3 ended....and then, if they really wanted to, develop a season 4 based on Finders Keepers (book 2). They'd have to find a way to separate fans from Brady's presence to achieve this since he wasn't really in that book - but with enough imagination and careful plotting, I think it can be done.

Overall, I enjoyed the series, but not nearly as much as the books. While I was entertained, I just saw several unnecessary changes in the plot and characters that left me shaking my head.

That's my take on Mr. Mercedes.
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