A little flawed, but acceptable
27 October 2018
Riding along the English Moors, a doctor hears the story about the town's past as a prosperous mining town forever cursed by a ghost, and upon discovering the truth of the mine and the ghost, a group of town-members goes off in search of the ghost and race to stop it before it takes control of the town.

This wasn't all that bad of an effort. One of the better features here is that this is a pretty creepy film when it really wants to be. The fact that the film starts off with a trip through a fog-entrenched English countryside, which is quite creepy by itself but becomes all the more when a heavy fog rolls in gives this a perfect start to things which is helped along nicely by the false-scare reveal at the end. The scenes in the mine at the conclusion are incredibly suspenseful, mainly due to its spectacular setting and eerie feel that comes from the darkness of the location and its design. These are inherently creepy, and altogether with the camera angles and action, this becomes a really creepy location to how it's twisting, hidden staircases and secret passageways are cleverly incorporated and really manage to work in some great moments. The prime example is the revelation of the killer being completely driven by the location which is put to great effect with the scenes in the different houses and underground tunnels which are quite fun. The sight of the ghost the first time is a pretty great effect, looking like a more normal headless entity than an out-and-out ghost, but there is a slightly odd chill to it that really makes it seem like an imposing creature that is greatly utilized in the ambush sequence in the mine that's quite creepy. This even has an entertaining and interesting backstory for the ghost, as the story told is done in a great manner that keeps the attention there. It's all combined into a really good film as there isn't a whole lot wrong with this one. The biggest factor against this is the film's short length. This doesn't even run an hour long, and there's some really long padding in here that makes it seem like that time is being wasted rather than having something going on more often than not. This is done up mostly with the constant battling over the superfluous characters that do nothing but eat up time in a film short enough as it is, the subplots about the mine needing to be reopened and the various attempts at subterfuge over the visitor questioning the locals over their belief about the true culprit of the crimes. It's needless as the characters aren't at all involved in the outcome of the film, which is its other problem. This is simply way too convoluted and complicated, taking what was a simple ghost story and taking it way over the top with its completely over-blown angle. There's no way this is plausible and is a way to make it feel longer than it really is which only goes to highlight how little the ghost actually is on-screen due to these rather unneeded moves. This here is the main reason for keeping the film down.

Today's Rating/PG: Mild Violence.
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