What a Woman! (1943)
A neglected romcom from the war years
27 October 2018
Irving Cummings, a contract director best known for his long tenure at Twentieth Century Fox where he directed Shirley Temple and many musicals, did this fast-paced, well-staged romantic comedy for Harry Cohn at Columbia. It's quite an achievement. Not only do the actors move as they deliver the dialogue, but the camera directed by Capra's favorite DP, Joe Walker, moves as well. The performances from the smallest to largest are perfect. One wonders, for example, why Williard Parker who plays the innocent professor never went on to stardom. He's both handsome and believable as is Ahern. This film is an ideal example of the Hollywood studio system at its best. Rosalind Russell in a star turn is surrounded by a superb supporting cast, and looks wonderful, lit by Walker. Was this picture ahead of its time? Did it lose money?
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