WHY does the movie studio releasing this live-action short consider . . .
1 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
. . . its compulsive gambler embezzling protagonist "Charlie" to be THE LUCKIEST GUY IN THE WORLD? Perhaps more importantly, what sort of lessons in financial management does the House of the Roaring Lion--an outfit synonymous with "Upper Class" Rich People flicks--intend to pass on down to the "Little People" who buy the vast majority of the tickets sold to their fairy tales? Perhaps the title of this brazen series is a dead giveaway: "Crime Pays." Long before Today's money-laundering cartel took command of every branch of American government, "Justice," and law enforcement, THE LUCKIEST GUY IN THE WORLD illustrates that the very best way for a dude to get ahead financially is to marry a chick with some sort of inheritance, and then bump her off. It's been said that every family has skeletons in their closet, and that certainly seems true if you watch very many of these growling Big Cat offerings. Of course, what makes Charlie ESPECIALLY lucky is that an old fashioned radiator facilitates his spouse pruning, leaving him with no worries about ballistics and fingerprints. Now that these sort of bedroom fixtures have been eliminated, Oval Office Occupants have to ditch their first couple of wives the hard way: Divorce Court.
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