Goofy and fun
8 December 2018
I wouldn't give this movie any awards, but it was zany and fun and a great stress-reliever. The shenanigans of the protagonists were nonsensical and bizarre, something that reminds me very much of several American films. These include "Step Brothers," "Black Sheep," and "Due Date," among many others. What these movies all have in common is ridiculous antics mixed with a little bit of heart.

As goofy as it was, I thoroughly enjoyed this film. Any movie that can put a genuine smile on my face and make me laugh is a pretty good movie.

As a side note, I attempted to watch this movie without looking at the English subtitles. From my limited knowledge of Chinese, I was able to keep up with the plot to an extent. In fact, I think it made the movie that much more enjoyable. However, I definitely missed some aspects of the movie simply from a lack of understanding key words and phrases. For this reason, "Lost in Thailand," reminded me of watching movies as a kid. While I didn't understand exactly what was going on at every moment because of the language barrier, I was still able to appreciate certain aspects of the plot.
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