The New Lot (1943)
Day By Day They Kicks 'Im, Which 'Elps 'Im On A Bit
12 December 2018
Five draftees (Philip Godfrey, Raymond Huntley, John Laurie, Bernard Miles and Peter Ustinov) go through basic training. At first they are surly, but eventually they come to recognize they have a job of work and they're the ones to do it.

This was a film to be shown soldiers, and it's "supervised by an officer approved by the General Staff" -- actually, it's Carol Reed, and I doubt if the General Staff spent much time on the matter. There is no one credited by name in this movie. Undoubtedly that's intended to make them seem more anonymous, so the soldier watching it could identify with the individuals.

Ustinov co-wrote this with Eric Ambler. They later expanded it to make THE WAY AHEAD.
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