Review of Resolution

Resolution (III) (2012)
You need to watch The Endless to get a better conclusion...
24 December 2018
Every year, around this time I get bit by the horror bug and I binge on all sorts of Horror/scifi/mystery movies that have been created and overlooked by myself over the decade... which, is why I am so late to watch this particular movie and I am not really expecting anyone to read this either. I had a chance to watch this movie a long while back, it was a highly rated Indie breakthrough as my searches suggested but I could only tolerate it for 30 mins before I turned it off and looked for something else. I never came back around to it. Back then "Indie" generally meant that the main theme would just be a backdrop and large portions of a movie would just focus on characters and interpersonal relationship and the "scifi" aspect would just be quick flash before the ending credits. Resolution focused more on their (fairly likable) characters but that's not what I was looking for at the time or am even now.

Its the last month of 2018 and I have been bit by the horror bug once again. I came upon another movie called The Endless, which actually hurt my brain by the end of it. It was a pretty interesting twist but a lot of holes left in the answer. After going thorough some discussions boards, a few kept claiming that its loosely linked to Resolution and watching both might offer a better sense of closure than they would individually. Well I just finished watching Resolution a few mins ago and I can definitely confirm that my original definition of "indie" was dead on the money. Not only does the movie just plainly focuses on the relationship between two best friends, it also doesn't provide you with any real answers to the mystery. The end was abrupt and unfulfilling but then I had already watched The Endless that seemed to fill in some of the gaps and give a complete picture.

There are no spoilers here, just a warning that if you are looking for some mystery that will be revealed in timely fashion you won't find it in this movie but it does provide a lot of details and context that you wouldn't realize otherwise when watching The Endless. Together its a fairly trippy ride but still has some flaws. I will say that things do get really interesting by the latter half but only the sequel attempts at giving some explanation.
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