Mixed signals from this film
30 December 2018
A coach full of innocent people is attacked and everyone murdered. A psychotic gunman is hunting for a man called Billy. When leaves the area, a stranger arrives and gently brushes dirt off the face of a dead girl. Silently, he begins to bury them. Another stranger turns up and together the bury the corpses to the haunting, melancholic tune of Ennio Morricone's soundtrack. What follows is a...comedy?

This is the most bi-polar Western I've ever seen. Morricone's soundtrack is heart wrenching and beautiful. The gunfights are violent. Women are beaten and tortured, and yet, in between all this, there's slapstick and one liners. Mood swings?

One stranger is Giuliano Gemma and he's the guy on the run from the psycho. The other guy is Mario Adorf and he's a miner with a bit of gold but not a lot of brains. Gemma is at first out to con Adorf which does over and over again, but then Adorf is so kind and big hearted the two of them just bond. However, there's still that crazy guy and is family to worry about.

It's kind of a road movie as the two characters head for Adorf's ranch and encounter various characters, like the fake Mermaid lady or the bank robbers. None of it should work but it all kind of does anyway as the man behind the camera is the guy who made Death Rides A Horse. Kind of weird to take though as people are still gunned down brutally ala a Spaghetti Western from 1968, but has huge bar fights and punch ups like a 1972 Spaghetti Western.

I was curious to watch it as I'd never seen Mario Adorf in a Spaghetti Western before. He does well as the slow miner guy. Gemma is the usual goofy charmer and a ladies man.
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