The Promise (1999 TV Movie)
The Promise
5 January 2019
Here's what I think the lines in the scene where Bill was convicted should have been; Judge: Jury, have you agreed on a verdict? Jury Foreman: Yes! We've agreed, your honor. Judge: Please hand the verdict to the bailiff. Will the defendant please rise? On the count of murder in the first-degree, how do you find the defendant? Jury Foreman: We find the defendant guilty. Judge: For several years, we lost 6,488 souls in battles fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. But during those several years, 11,766 women were killed, but by their own spouses. This is a war that we, in this country, refuse to address. It has to stop because things have gotten so dire that this is what a victory looks like and I am sorry folks but today was no victory. This case should not be closed because when it comes to domestic violence, there needs to be change on a cultural level and that change needs to start with each and every one of you. Sentencing one week from today. Court is dismissed. Randall Stoller: Hey, Dan, thank you. Thank you so much. Dan Rosen: As for the kids, they're amazing, you know. Joanne Stoller: I know. Dan Rosen: See you at sentencing. Joanne Stoller: Thanks again, Dan. Dan Rosen: Yeah. Doris Miles: Joanne? Randall? This is a little awkward but, well, now that it's done, we'd really like to see the kids from time to time. Harold Miles: I mean, we can understand if they don't want to. Joanne Stoller: Listen, you'll always be their grandparents. Call us. OK? Harold Miles: Yeah. Thanks.
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