Death Kiss (2018)
This is justice...
5 January 2019
I stumbled upon "Death Kiss" and decided to watch it solely for the reason of the movie's cover/poster. I did watch all the old Charles Bronson "Death Wish" movies and enjoyed those - unlike the remake with Bruce Willis.

I like how this movie keeps you in the dark, because you have no idea if this is supposed to be Paul Kerns or not, the character portrayed by Charles Bronson. But the similarities are there in abundance, not only by physical similarity between Charles Bronson and Robert Bronzi.

While the storyline is simplistic in "Death Kiss", it is very true to the storylines in the "Death Wish" movies, as they were also mostly unstructured like this movie, whereas not a whole lot is happening narratively throughout the course of the movie, but it all seems mostly like fragments of action put together for a greater picture.

I was adequately entertained by "Death Kiss" and it was a nice surprise actually. If you enjoyed the old Charles Bronson "Death Wish" movies, then you should definitely take the time to watch "Death Kiss" as well.

The movie has an interesting cast. First and foremost, there is Robert Bronzi who not only has an uncanny resemblance to Charles Bronson, but also has a lot of his mannerisms and gestures nailed down in place. It was much like actually watching Charles Bronson on the screen. Daniel Baldwin was actually also doing a good job in the movie, despite having a minor role only. And it was actually fun to see Richard Tyson on the screen again in a villanous role.

All in all, "Death Kiss" is entertaining for what it is. Just don't expect a major drama here with plot hooks, surprises and twists, because that is not in here. This is action, this is homage, this is a trip down memory lane for the most of us.
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