Death Kiss (2018)
Death Kiss $5.00 DVD bin watch and give to a friend
10 January 2019
This movie has a few good points and a few flaws as well. It has a fairly decent story line and even better camera work. Scenes with a hand held camera were far better than big budget shaky cam movies. Dialogue had its ups and downs. The acting for the most part was only B rated and needed a lot of work except for Dan Forthright played by Daniel Baldwin. He did a good job delivering his lines, especially the radio dialogue. Robert Bronzi (Robert Kovacs) who plays the stranger looks a little like Bronson and I hope his acting improves with time and experience. The cleavage and bare breast scenes were done modestly and added a little spice to the movie. I like a little gore in a movie, but the exploding blood splatter in this movie were comically obvious. Fans of the Charles Bronson Death Wish movies might get a kick from this one. For a low budget Inde film it's not too bad, 5 of 10.
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